Lake Superior Tutoring Center
for Dyslexic Children and Adults
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Volunteer with Us

Would you consider donating 2-3 hours of your time to work one on one with a student?
We provide the training, materials and support that tutors need to be successful. All you would need is the desire to help another person. We match you to a student in your community so your travel time is minimized.
Do I have to have an education background?
This program was originally designed for parents interested in working with their own children, so it is crafted in such a way that anyone can learn to use it.
I think I'm dyslexic, can I still be a tutor?
You don’t have to be a great reader or speller. But you DO have to be able to hear sounds extremely well. You’re going to be teaching a system based on sounds to a student who is not very sensitive to sounds. You must hear sounds well enough to catch their mistakes – so that you can correct them. A 5 minute screening will help to determine if you have this ability. If you struggle at all with the screening, our Dyslexia Consultant can provide a more in depth evaluation to determine eligibility!
I'm intersted ~ What do I do next?
If you think you might be interested please take five minutes to take the Barton Tutor Screening. It will help you determine if your hearing and ability to break words down to individual sounds is acceptable. The link will open in a new tab or window.
If you are ready to apply to be a volunteer tutor please download the following pdf file and print it: Volunteer Tutor Application.
Send the completed application to:
Lake Superior Tutoring Center
For Dyslexic Children and Adults
8560 Topper Road
Iron River, WI 54847
Still have questions or would like more information? Feel free to call (715) 292-8777 or email us info@lakesuperiortutoring.org.