Lake Superior Tutoring Center
for Dyslexic Children and Adults
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it extremely difficult to
read, write, and spell in your native language despite at least average intelligence.
As many as 1 out of 5 people may have some form of dyslexia.
Although the condition can be very frustrating for those that have it, there is a positive side:
What is Dyslexia?
The Lake Superior Tutoring Center provides evaluations to identify Dyslexia and
offers tutor training services using Orton~ Gillingham based instruction by way of the Barton Reading and Spelling System.
LSTC services are available for individuals residing in Ashland, Bayfield, and Douglas counties of Wisconsin,
at no charge.
How We Help
How Can You Help?
We are always looking for kind, caring individuals interested in becoming volunteer tutors with our organization. We also rely greatly on the support of indiviudal sponsors willing to donate to our cause!

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